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Task 4) Create a 3D Model of the main set for your serial TV drama.
Consider the mise en scene
TV Serial Drama
Monday 4th June 2018
The preliminary material comes out on Tuesday 8th May. This gives you the brief for the exam and basically lets you know roughly what the tasks will be in the exam.
Every year the tasks are very similar.
Task 1)
Agree or disagree with 3 bullet points relating to TV Serial Drama’s and give examples.
Task 2)
Pitch an idea for a TV serial drama based on the themes given in the brief.
Task 3)
Design a storyboard or a website page.
Task 4)
Explain how you will market your idea.
Task 1) Complete this task sheet
Task 2) Draw images of your 2 main characters
Task 3) Practice exam question (15 marks)
Give your idea for a new serial drama. Tell us about your ideas for the following:
- A profile of the 2 main characters
- Some details about the setting and location
- details about the story arc
Task 4) Create a 3D Model of the main set for your serial TV drama.
Consider the mise en scene
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